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bIFUSPANO XVIII - No.17 - 02/06/2000 | ![]() |
O concurso para Professor Doutor no qual estão inscritos os Profs. Luiz Carlos Chamon, junto ao Departamento de Física Experimental, e José Roberto Brandão de Oliveira, junto ao Departamento de Física Nuclear, terá início dia 5 de junho, às 10 horas, na Diretoria do Instituto.
Estarão abertas, até 19 de junho, as inscrições para o Concurso para Professor Titular junto ao Departamento de Física Geral. Maiores informações poderão ser obtidas na Assistência Acadêmica.
Estarão abertas até 28 de julho, na Seção de Pessoal do Instituto, as inscrições para o Processo Seletivo para contratação de docente junto ao Departamento de Física Nuclear. Maiores informações poderão ser obtidas na Assistência Acadêmica ou na Seção de Pessoal.
Estarão abertas, até 2 de outubro, as inscrições para o Concurso para Professor Titular junto ao Departamento de Física dos Materiais e Mecânica. Maiores informações poderão ser obtidas na Assistência Acadêmica.
Estarão abertas, até 22 de novembro, as inscrições para o Concurso para Professor Titular junto ao Departamento de Física Nuclear. Maiores informações poderão ser obtidas na Assistência Acadêmica.
Estarão abertas, de 5 a 21 de junho, as inscrições para as bolsas de Mestrado/Doutorado do CNPq/CAPES e para as novas matrículas no curso de Pós-Graduação de Física em Mestrado/Doutorado para o 2o Semestre de 2000. Os interessados deverão fazer sua inscrição junto à Secretaria de Pós-Graduação do IFUSP.
Recebemos da Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação as novas orientações do Programa CAPES/DAAD/PROBRAL para o ano de 2000. Maiores informações encontram-se à disposição na Secretaria de Pós-Graduação do IFUSP.
Transcrevemos abaixo o relatório da Comissão Internacional da CAPES que visitou o Instituto de Física no final de março de 2000:
"Visit Report of University of São Paulo, Institute of Physics
Overall Assessment
The reviewed program meets international standards.
The Institute of Physics of São Paulo is very impressive by its size. lt has 112 researchers, 178 master students, and 133 PhD students. ln 1999, the number of thesis was 35% of the total number for the whole country".
The visit lasted 3 hours, which is too short to reach a complete and consistent overview of the scientific level of the lnstitute and of the ability of the program to form experienced PhD scientists. We would strongly suggest to organize future evaluations on the basis of at least a whole day.
Furthermore, according to the Director of the Institute and the Coordinator of the program, they were informed by their University about our visit only 3 days before the visit itself, and this mav be the reason why neither most of the staff nor most of the students attended the meetings.
Another important remark is that FAPESP contributes to a dominant part of the funding of the Institute and is largely responsible for the high quality of the conditions of work of most of the staff.
Organization of the visit
In a first stage, we had a meeting with the coordinators of the six research departments, where most of the general information was provided. Then, we visited the library and a few laboratories, and we finally had a short conversation with a group of 7 students. At the end we could briefly meet Professor Salinas who is the Director of the Institute.
Evaluation of the quality of the graduate program
Our overall impression is that the graduation program is of a very high quality, completely comparable to international standards, as compared to a mid-size graduate program in, for example, the USA. The students have the opportunity to use advanced equipment, and some of the students who are involved into experimental research seem to have built major parts of experiments during the course of their PhD work. Seminars are organized at the group level as well as at the level of the whole lnstitute, which contribute to broadening the scope of the knowledge of the students.
The material support is also very good: they have access to a well-equipped library. Funding by FAPESP enables many students to attend international conferences or schools.
The average duration of a PhD seems to be a little too long; it is of 68 months for a direct PhD and of 61 months after a MSc., which should be compared to the desired value of 48 months.
Representation of faculty members in the national and international community
Examination of the resumes shows that nearly all the faculty members have performed extensive research stays in foreign laboratories and that many of them have written chapters in books on specialized topics. Most of the papers mentioned in the lists of selected works (up to 1998) are in top international journals. We asked for a list of publications for 1999, but the list we were given did not mention the journals. Also worth mentioning is the fact that 6 groups have been accepted into Pronex.
Technological and scientific production of the faculty
The level of the research that we could see at the Institute is very impressive and is surely comparable to the one performed in top research Institutes of other countries.
All the groups that we have visited have reached a critical mass as far as number of researchers and equipment is concerned. Among the outstanding facilities, we saw a small Tokamak, used for Plasma physics and a Pelletron, which is an accelerator used for nuclear physics. The various other experiments that we saw were also equipped with modern equipment. All the themes of the research are well within the up-to-date international trends.
A significant fraction of the research is performed in collaboration with national and foreign lnstitutes.
We should mention that the various professors seem to weakly interact with each other, although they share in some cases the same experimental setups. We may speculate that the quality of the research would be even better if research occurred in a more interactive way. With the move of the Department of Astronomy to a building nearby, the opportunity also will exist to build cross-disciplinary efforts in fields of mutual interest, such as the formation of large scale structure and cosmology.
Brasilia March 30, 2000
John S. Gallagher III (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
D. Paget (Ecole Polytechnique, France)"
O Prof. Mikiya Muramatsu, do Departamento de Física Geral, acaba de ser convidado para integrar, durante três anos, o corpo dos "International Advisory Members" de "Optical Review", publicação da "Optical Society of Japan".
O Prof. José Roberto Leite, do Departamento de Física dos Materiais e Mecânica, foi nomeado como "Punto Focal" da rede "Estudio, Fabricación y Caracterización de Nanoestructuras para la Micro y la Optoelectrónica", do subprograma de microeletrônica do programa iberoamericano CYTED ("Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo"), com sede na Universidade de Havana, em Cuba.
O Instituto de Física de São Carlos da USP torna pública a abertura, pelo prazo de 60 dias, a contar de 30 de maio, das inscrições para processo seletivo para contratação de um docente, na categoria de Doutor, referência MS-3, em RDIDP, junto ao Departamento de Física e Informática.
Maiores informações, bem como as normas pertinentes ao processo seletivo, encontram-se à disposição dos interessados na Assistência Acadêmica do IFSC-USP, pelo telefone: (0XX16) 273-9782 ou pelo e-mail: marli@if.sc.usp.br.
"Medida absoluta da atividade e determinação da taxa de emissão Gama por decaimento do I-126"
Profa. Marina F. Koskinas, IPEN
Sala Didática do Departamento de Radioproteção Ambiental, IPEN, às 14h
B I F U S P - Uma publicação semanal editada pelo IFUSP
Responsável: Prof. Silvio R. A. Salinas - Coordenador: Prof. Hercílio Rodolfo Rechenberg
Diagramação: Rosangela Trevisan Rodrigues
São divulgadas no BIFUSP as notícias encaminhadas até 4a feira, às 12h, impreterivelmente
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