The purpose of this site is to present the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo to internet users. It brings information on the Institute, that we assume to interest all. The Institute of Physics of the USP is the greater and older institution of research and education of Physics in Brazil. It was created by the union of Physics Departmentof the Polytechnical School and the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, since 1970. The Institute has currently, in its staf, more than 225 researchers: 159 professors, 400 postgraduated and 1.200 graduated students. There are also 304 employees (more 30 free lancers), 5 of them with PhD and about a set of ten of them with master degree. The Institute has 26 buildings to shelter 17 classrooms, 5 auditorium, many didactic and researching laboratories, workshops and offices of administration. The constructed area has appoximatelly 40.000m2 and the useful area has 80.000m2. With the money received from finnancial agencies (CNPq, FINEP, CAPES, FAPESP etc.), the Institute keeps laboratories of experimental Physics in nuclear Physics, detectors and instrumentation, solid state physics and low temperatures, plasm, crystallography, optics, epitaxy of molecular beams, electronic microscopy, air pollution, analysis of material by ionic beams etc. The activity in theoretical and mathematical Physics is also intense and there are many groups in Applied Physics. The Institute has covered almost all the areas of the Physics and is, in this direction, the most complete Brazilian institution. The technical and administrative infrastructure includes mechanical, electronic and high vacuum workshops and computer installations . The Library is the most complete of the country with approximatelly 38.112 patrimonial books, 3.732 dissertations and theses, 671 collection of periodical headings, 398 multiways; 58 IFUSP publications; 25 texts and 242 leaflets. Fom the didactic point of view, the Institute of Physics keeps laboratory for approximatelly 3.000 (three thousand) USP students , in the areas of engineering, accurate sciences and biology and also scientific workshops destinated to high school students and to the public in general. Every year they approximatelly 120 Physicists are graduated, and in postgraduation courses, approximatelly 35 students get the master degree and 33 the Phd. Degree. Approximatelly 800 research papers are published annually, more than 400 in well known international journals. Have a good navigation ! |